Didn't we learn ANYTHING from the Terri Shaivo fiasco?

Apr 10, 2007 16:57

Judge: Keep baby on life support
POSTED: 2:53 p.m. EDT, April 10, 2007

Story Highlights
• NEW: Judge rules baby should be kept on life support
• Hospital invoked Texas law to allows it to end baby's life-sustaining treatment
• The family of 17-month-old Emilio Gonzales wanted to keep the boy alive
• Doctors say treatment causes the boy to suffer without any medical benefit

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- A Texas judge Tuesday granted a family's request to keep their critically ill baby alive, ruling that the boy should not be removed from life-support equipment as the hospital had planned.

Children's Hospital of Austin has been caring for 17-month-old Emilio Gonzales since December and says the effort is futile and the child is suffering without medical benefit. It invoked a state law that allows hospitals to end life-sustaining treatment in such cases with 10 days notice to the family.

Emilio's mother, Catarina Gonzales, 23, does not believe her only son is nonresponsive and says the boy smiles and turns his head toward voices.

Probate Judge Guy Herman set a hearing for April 19 for both sides to present evidence in the case.

"I feel very relieved because we have more time," said Jerri Ward, an attorney for the Gonzales family.

Doctors and a hospital ethics panel determined the treatment is causing the boy to suffer without providing any medical benefit, said Michael Regier, general counsel for the Seton Family of Hospitals, which includes the children's hospital.

The boy is believed to have Leigh's Disease, a progressive illness difficult to diagnose. He cannot breathe on his own, must have nutrition and water pumped into him, and cannot swallow or make purposeful movements, Regier said. He said Emilio's higher order brain functions are destroyed.

The boy's family has had difficulty finding another medical facility that will care for the boy, though Gonzales said Tuesday they had several promising leads.

Emilio has health coverage through Medicaid, and the hospital contends money is not part of its decision.

The state Legislature, meanwhile, is considering changing the futile care law.


Suffering without any medical benefits. The family needs to let it go. I hate seeing stuff like that. I see people like that every day at the hospital- people that are just laying there suffering, with no quality of life and being kept alive because the family wants it. If you've ever seen someone code, you'd know that it's PAINFUL and violent. If you make it, you're probably going to have broken ribs etc.  And if you are somewhat stable, but being kept a live with machines- what kind of life is that for YOU?  Bah. People are so disappointing.
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