Nov 09, 2007 10:53
Five people are working at TS today. The rest are on holidays or taking a leiu day for Sunday's Remembrance Day observance. It's quite nice to not hear the hacks and cackles of the usual crew but I feel like we should have some kind of party around here that we can rave about all next week and make them all regret not working today.
I've noticed on the sides of buses, some ironic advertising lately. Maybe they've always been doing it but I only really noticed it yesterday. The Transit system sells space on their buses for the ads and the companies that buy the ads are car companies encouraging people to go buy themselves a Hyundai instead of another bus pass. The companies pay enough to decorate with bus with lifesized replicas of the cars they're advertising, not just a billboard blurb. The buses are festooned (love that word, festoooooooned) with plugs for giving car companies more business.
Of course, what companies can afford a full bus advertisement besides someone like GM and the other big boys?
Anyway.. books of note:
The Threesome Handbook arrived last week and is on its way to Mr. Hopeful. Perhaps I should have also put his name on the new How to Yodel and the Guide to Whitling that also arrived in the same shipment. At least he could learn something while he waited for two willing chicks.
Today I invoiced a few goodies that I'll have to put requests on once Nano's done. One was called Tigger on the Couch which is a book of psychological studies done on favourite literary characters. It Was a Dark and Stormy Night also arrived which is a book featuring winners (losers?) of the Bulwer-Lytton Contest for the worst opening sentences to a book ever. I also want to read Clues for Real Life which is a book of hints and tips for girls compiled from the original Nancy Drew series. Best I noticed while unpacking it was, "When your boyfriend is chloroformed and tied to a tree and he's just disgusted with himself at being caught instead of you for getting him into this predicament, you know he likes you."(p.85 from The Ghost of Blackwood Hall)