(no subject)

Apr 23, 2004 09:35

Abortion?:That baby is a mass of living cells from the get go. . .AGAINST!! Death Penalty?:It is not in my hands to judge the wicked or the unwicked alike. AGAINST Prostitution?:It is time for the worlds oldest profession to stop! Alcohol?:Moderation is the key Marijuana?:Causes obesity. . .damn munchies Other drugs?:Tougher penalities for just using them, and extreme penalties for selling them. And doctors that prescribe too many medications should be taxed for them Gay marriage?:Marriage is a practice of the Church originally, and it should be kept their right. Illegal immigrants?:I hate to say it, but send them back. No questions asked. If they can help our country, imagine what they could do for the country they are leaving. . . Smoking?:Bad bad habit. . .should be taxed more and alternatives to smoking should be promoted Drunk driving?:touchy subject Cloning?:Immoral Racism?:Unethical and stupid. Judge a man for who he is, not what he is. Premarital sex?:Guilty as charged. . .still shouldn't be for recreation. Religion?:Anybody who can practice a religion has my support, even if it differs from mine. I takes more to believe than to not believe. The war in Iraq?:We should have hit Iran first. . . Bush?:He's not perfect, and if there were another Republican nominee they would get my vote over Bush. Or even Colin Powell Downloading music?:Unlimited downloading for a subscription The legal drinking age?:18. . .If I can buy a car, take out loans, be in the military, yada yada, then I sure as hell can drink legally. Porn?:Unhealthy an generally too accepted. Suicide?:AN overlooked problem in america. I have many personal feels on this, and outlined an effective plan for my school system to install in the prevention of suicide. They said no
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