Mar 29, 2006 16:23
Well, my spring break did not go as planned. I was going to go to Washington to eat a hotdog on the space needle and play in the rain, but instead i had to committ to some family loyalty and aid my sister in her recovery. When i spend time in teh grove i jsut get so depressed. Mostly, i feel like people lose their power in good ol EG. I think people forget that they have control over their lives and if they arent happy they are allowed to leave. In a nut shell, my vacation was not a vacation. I was stressed runnign around trying to get my passport and car things together. I didnt sleep in, drink, sunbath, or take a hot bath in the middle of teh day! DAMMIt. I am a little bitter that my badly needed break turned into a stressful trip home. So, i am on my way back to sunny SB to try to make up for the past week. BEsides working all day until school starts on monday, at least i can booze it up and sleep in.