Jul 28, 2005 16:13
Im sitting here @ work @ ASTO... so chill. i had 3 customers today and just hang out. Today is my last day of summer school and im so glad that my stupid GE is over. im goign to go visit KTEa and Carla Q in LA this sunday. i miss them so much.. they are presh. im going back to sac this thurs-sat to visit Allie and the kids, family and Carlos' lil sister is having a BBQ and the WHOLE family will be there; reunited once again. im going to my family vacation in aug too.. its goign to be weird without KTea... HAHAHAHA good times. "please get out of the dam, there is no swimming in the dam" hahahahaha. gotta love her. so, i have perfected my schdule for fall 05: 2 religious studies classes, a bio class on cancer, physics and Ochem. ya, im just going to go ahead and do it. i want to know what i would get. isnt that disgusting that im minoring in chemistry for FUN? whatever will get me into nursing school i guess. ive been writing a lot more and i missed it. its definately my release. my only problem is, i have a hard time throwing it all away so i end up just having journals and journals from like junior high. gross. i gottsta go back to work. HOLLAH.