Jan 16, 2005 08:02
Ho hum... This weekend has been busy. Hung out with some friends. Went shopping. I am hoping that Lukkah and Christine CALL ME!!!!!!!!!! I miss hangingout with them. Eventhough Tinseltown is closed now, we will have to find another place to call our own. *wipes tear away* C'est la Vie. Work is going alright. Although I know that tomorrow morning I've got an order for a Real Estate Agent that is going to take 80% of my day just to do. That's alright that's why I get paid so much. I am looking to move out of Kims. The cats are killing me.
Got word from an old boyfriend, who was one of the only top two in my life that I care to remember. HIYA MAAT! Yes.. I am the Joeii.. the one you HAD to show off at Soil that night I went out and bought all those new goth clothes. I wonder how he would feel knowing I am less Goth now. Hmmm. Good times. Well there were some bad times too. We don't dwell on those. Maat, I emailed you my cell # if you have text then text me hooker.. lol..
I have been asked to do a weekly show at Friends. Don't know. Told them I would get back to them. Maybe. Who knows. Don't know if I am ready to get off of hiatus. We shall see.
Have to get going. Need to get laundry done and see the boyfriend today. Gawds I love him!
BTW... MAAT IN THAT HALLOWEEN PICTURE WAS THAT YOU IN THE COW SUIT?????? lol@Uncle Maap the cow... how cute =o)