I just made this whole post that I i thought was great, and it got deleted. Not even saved to the draft section. Lets see how this goes now.... 🙄
I've been having this urge to type or write about my life. My life stories, my joys and fear. I have been through an emotional roller coaster while being unemployeed! Today, is my last Friday before i start working! I know I wil be incredibly busy. There's no way I will be making the money I'll be making and having time to just "chill"
Anywho, when i sit infront of my screen and want to write, seems like I always come to this site, even though I know nobody is reading. Gives me a sense of a "Carrie Bradchaw", yet I am far from that. I do not even know where to beging or how to make this into something will want to read.
Some stories are made from "true facts" and everything in the middle was just a "fill in the blanks" type of deal to make for a great movie, book or story. I feel that's how most of my late teens and my 20's went. I partied a lot, went out with friends. Had a great life and many life expiriences. However, are they worth reading and writing about? What if becoming a blogger/writter will put my dirty laundry out there and am I ready for everyone to read?
Granted, I get to pick and choose what's out there too. So, who knows.
Let's see what it all may be one day , right ?