Another drabble from:
OMG!WhatAnAmazinglyUnstoppableAndSexyTagTeamOfAwesomeTheseTwoWouldMake. 2!
Rating: R? Naughty words.
Characters/Pairing: Gretchen/Lincoln
Disclaimer: So totally and utterly not even close to being mine.
- Not beta'd so any and all mistakes are my own.
From the ocean, everything seems uncharacteristically quiet. Calm even. Which considering the circumstance seems verging on ridiculous.
Their flawless escape plan was a boat.
A fucking boat.
Neither of them can even drive a boat, neither of them knows enough about boats to even know that you don’t call it ‘driving’ a boat. After all they’ve just been through; they’ll probably meet their - more than timely - end when their shitty boat sinks because they’re clueless.
They’d finally done it. It had taken them just over a day but between them they’d done it. No more Scylla. For them anyway.
For about 20 minutes they’d been multi-millionaires, enough money to run away and live exceedingly happily on for the rest of their lives several times over. But they had plans. The Company would fall and they’d be the ones bringing it down, maybe even starting up something to rival it, why the hell not, they could rule the fucking world if they wanted to.
Most of the money had been transferred; their loved ones would more than likely never see them again but would have more money than they would know what to do with. Between them they’d kept enough to keep them going for a substantial while, keep them on the move and living very comfortably. He’s pretty sure Gretchen wouldn’t want to take over the world wearing anything but Louboutins after all.
The lights of Miami are getting further and further away and soon it will just be him, her and a whole lot of water.
As long as they don’t drown he’s expecting big things. She promised him unstoppable and he’s not settling for anything but.