BSFF(Стань свободным быстро) -это не «путь», не учение, и не философская система. Это просто один из высокоэффективных инструментов для работы со своим подсознанием.
Подлинное мужество состоит не в героических усилиях, направленных на достижение внешних целей, а в решимости пройти через ужасный опыт столкновения с самим собой. До тех пор, пока индивид не найдет свою истинную сущность в себе самом, любые попытки придать жизни смысл через манипуляции во внешнем мире и достижение внешних целей останутся бесплодным и вконечном счете обреченным на поражение донкихотством.Станислав Гроф, «За пределами мозга» BSFF THEORY. According to Dr. Nims, the subconscious mind (SCM) is a good and faithful servant, just doing its job, running programs. The SCM runs the programs that govern most of our thoughts, feelings and actions when we function on automatic.
Fortunately, most of those programs are helpful. They remind us how to use a telephone, use the toaster and fry an egg, how to drive the car and where to find our car keys (well, most of the time, anyway), without taking up the conscious mind's time and attention. In this way, the SCM allows us to multitask for efficiency.
THE PROBLEM IS THIS: the SCM is easily cued to run old, outdated programs. Though they may be dysfunctional now, our most consistent (and insistent) emotional programs were installed in early years. It's those programs that tell us certain situations are likely to be HURTFUL, making us FEARFUL or ANGRY, so that we JUDGE AND CRITICIZE others, ourselves and the situations, because that's what we've been taught. This happens even in present-day situations that we know are not likely to be hurtful or scary like before.
If old, dysfunctional programs are running, any attempt at forgiveness of self or another will likely be ineffective. That's because the SCM is still running programs based on (1) hurtful root experiences and (2) subconscious beliefs we've constructed from them.