
Aug 27, 2003 00:00

There are some people, who are too cool for school.
...and then there's me...

[lies] I'm pretty. I'm funny. I'm smart. I'm sweet. [/lies]
My journal is mostly "Friends Only." Not because I have anything to hide, or anything of real substance to say, but because it makes me feel important, and like an elitist. Besides, all the cool kids are doing it. heh.

If you are interested in adding me to your friends list, please first check out my user info, as well as this post, in it's entirety, and be sure you understand my feelings on commenting, friending, and un-friending. I will not be held responsible for your fragile little feelings getting hurt, simply because you didn't read and pay attention.

Don't even bother, if any of the following apply to you:

  • Drama - I have no time, patience or tolerance for internet drama. Save the drama for your momma, because I'm here to have fun.
  • Lack of content - AKA STUPID QUIZZES. Unless you're posting a "What kind of jerk am I for posting these lame quizzes" meme, I prefer to not have them cluttering my friends pages. - If you *do* happen to be a mindless drone, who feels a need to do them, for whatever reason, please at least put them behind a cut. Sometimes the coding for them is faulty, and it's rude to mess up my friends page, because you had to post which Lord of the Rings character you are. *rolls eyes*
  • Frequent one liners or "cryptic" posts - You can't convince me you're really that "deep"...and believe it or not, probably not that interesting or profound either. =o)
  • "Comment or be deleted" posts - I don't do them, I don't comment on them, I don't click the lame little "I love you so much and want to stay!!11" box on your poll. If I want to delete you, I will. If I enjoy reading you, I won't. Plain and simple. - However, more often than not, I will delete you simply for making a post or poll like that. Because that sort of thing is just silly.
  • CONSTANT COMPLAINING - I am 100% anti-whiner, and this is a NO-WHINERS zone.
    To plagiarize my user info, Sure, we all have our downtimes, but watching or listening to somebody constantly complaining, yet never doing anything to change their lives, is quite annoying. Call me heartless, if you must, but I lose the ability to sympathize after a while. If you are unhappy with your life, do something about it, or quit your bitching. Yes, it's really as simple as that.

    Things to note about my journal:

  • This is a child-free zone. 18+ only, please.
  • I post silliness and nonsense on a regular basis.
  • I post pictures of things and places you couldn't care less about.
  • I post things that *I* find interesting, but you probably won't.
  • I may ocassionally post random drivel, when I feel the need to.
  • I love to laugh, but more importantly, I love to make others laugh.
  • I am rarely [if ever] thought-provoking, or insightful.
  • I like to just be quiet sometimes.
  • I have a 30 day rule - If we don't hit it off, and have frequent interaction after 30 days, we probably never will. So let's delete each other, and move on. There's really no sense in continuing to read each other's drivel, is there? (o;

    My thoughts on friending & un-friending:

    My single most important criteria for new friends is INTELLIGENCE.

    This includes, but is not limited to, the intelligence to know that if some random internet personality:

    (a) does not add you back right away
    (b) does not add you back at all
    (c) de-Friends you after some amount of time

    ...then it's OK.

    Incompatibility among random people on the internet is not a cause for drama or an emotional scar.

    I may not add you back right away, until I've had the chance to read a few of your posts, and see just how compatible we might be, or I may not end up adding you back at all. I may even de-friend you after a while, finding we really don't click after all, or for whatever reason I deem it necessary to do so...no big deal, move on.

    Same thing should apply for you. If you should decide you don't want me on your list, for whatever reason, there's no need to feel badly about it. Just delete me and move on...no questions asked, and no hard feelings.


    After first friending somebody, I find sometimes it takes a little while to find my "groove" with them. It's like a little "getting to know you" phase. So at first, I may just read for a little while, until I feel a "connection" and have gotten to know you a little better.

    I comment when I feel like it, and I can pretty much guarantee that I won't comment on every single post you write. Face it, I'm a busy girl, and you're not that damned interesting.

    If I have something to ask, add, or to relate about whatever you post, then I will comment. Plain and simple. And while I may not comment on every post, I will always read them.

    My time is valuable, and if I don't have time to comment to everybody on a daily basis, you'll have to not take it to heart. I will NOT feel guilty for putting myself, my friends and my family as a priority above LiveJournal.

    On the same note, I certainly don't expect comments on every little piece of drivel I write, however, if you never comment, I will probably delete you eventually, because obviously you are either not reading my posts, or don't find anything I say to be interesting or entertaining enough to comment on. So I'll save you the trouble of an awkward moment, and do it for you.

    Using the LJ-cut:

    I use the LJ cut when *I* want to use it, and resent ANYBODY that would ask me to put my words behind a cut. I put large or multiple images behind a cut, and expect the same courtesy.

    I also expect my friends to be courteous with any explicit images, by putting them behind a cut with a warning. This would include anything not suitable for work, the elderly, small children, or the faint of heart.

    Layout help:

    NO I will not help you with your layout. This is my personal space. Please respect it as such.

    Having said all that, I would probably be wasting my time to try and convince you that I'm actually easy-going, fun, and pretty easy to get along with, so I won't. xoD But you can see what some of my friends were paid have to say about me here. If you can handle all that, and think we might be compatible, feel free to add me, and we'll see where it goes from there...
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