Sep 29, 2004 22:40
I think I just failed my test in Geography. I just found out today that we had a test cuz I was gone last week. AND I turned in a half done take-home exam that was due last week. I had 2 weeks to do it and I still couldn't finish it. I'm a LoSeR! So as of now.. I'm probably failing that class.
But I have an 'A' in Pre-Cal and a 'B' in English which can easily go up to an 'A'.. and we don't have any grades in Psychology yet.
So I guess I'm doing ok in school. I'm gonna have to stop being lazy though.. if I want to keep it up. But I've said that EVERY single school year since like middle school.. LOL. NEver Works.
School just isn't for me. I learn everything.. but right after a test.. it's of no use and I forget it all. I'm gonna have a Bachelor's Degree and not know anything.. LOL. Oh Well. But it's ok.. I don't need to know any of this stuff to make music videos or to be a dancer.. so.. wHaTeVEr.
Looking forward to call backs on sunday.. See You All There!
*If you're lookin for the GOODIES keep on lookin cuz they stay in the jar*