Dec 02, 2008 09:48
Ugh, I came down with a horrible cold last Wednesday, so over the weekend I did a *lot* of resting. So much resting I got bored and antsy. I mean, really - there is only so much Real Housewives and Trauma: Life in the ER one woman can watch, y'know?!
Finally on Saturday Vin and I decided to heave ourselves off the couch and do something. We went to the mall so I could do some mall walking to get this little guy movin'! We probably walked a good mile or two.
Stopped in the food court and my hands felt weird. I looked down and OMG my fingers were swollen to the size of bratwursts! No wonder I couldn't feel them! Checked my ankles - so puffy that when we pushed on them, the dent stayed. This is called "pitting" and is a very bad sign.
I freaked out because throughout this entire pregnancy I have been fortunate enough to have either no or very mild swelling, so on our way home we stopped at the blood pressure machine at Safeway. I always run low, like 100/60, and took my blood pressure twice at Safeway. Both times it was 130-something/80-something.
I put myself on bed rest for Sunday and yesterday we went in to the doctor's just to get everything checked out. They actually freaked me out even more because when I called she asked about how the baby was moving. And I said, "Come to think of it, he's moving less." So she had me drink juice and lay still and do a kick count, and in no uncertain terms told me to go to the hospital if I didn't get enough movement.
Vin rushed home from work and we got everything ready at home for just in case the doctor sent us straight to the hospital for an induction, and then we went to the doctor's together (kick count was fine, Leo was just sleepy). My blood pressure was fine - 110/80, which is kinda high for me, but at this stage in pregnancy it's totally within the realm of normal. I have gained a boatload of weight in 2 weeks and the doctor seems to think it's water retention, so if she's not concerned then I'm not either.
It dawned on me on the way to the doctor's office that maybe some of my more recent symptoms - a general feeling of ickiness, insomnia, shakiness, dizziness - could be attributed to my super high dosage of Synthroid. In the beginning of my pregnancy, we had to check my thyroid levels constantly because I kept needing more and more Synthroid. I was told that this evens out later on in pregnancy, so maybe I don't need as much as I did several months ago and now my dosage is too high.
I got the blood work done for that, so I should know this week what is going on with my 'roid.
Finally, I got an internal and while I am not dilated yet, I am now 70% effaced and baby is at a -1 or 0, so there is progress!
My mom and Nikki are flying out tomorrow so Leo, the pressure is ON to make your appearance!
(I know nobody really knows when they're going into labor, but if you want to know my mother's intuition, he should be here before the 9th. We shall see how true that proves!)
third trimester,