courtneywrites is a do-er. A do-er is a person who, when they say to you on the phone, "We should do lunch sometime." and you say, "Yeah, that would be great!" they then follow up with "Okay. What day looks good for you?" and then you go, "Oh. You mean actually get up out of this comfy chair that I'm sitting in and look at the calendar and set a date?"
A do-er makes you set the date. And a measurable writing goal. And tells you definitively that you need an, now. That's a do-er and that's Courtney. Some people call them a$$-kickers.
Regardless of wht you call them, everyone needs a 'do-er, a$$-kicker' as a friend.
Here's a picture of my 'do-er, a$$-kicker', friend signing copies of her newly released novel, MY SO-CALLED FAMILY!
(ahem, MY SO-CALLED FAMILY received a starred review Publisher's Weekly and a Gold Star Award of Excellence from TeensReadToo!)
We had just:
*had lunch at Alice's Teacup (as in Alice in Wonderland),
*went to Dylan's Candy Bar (Willie Wonka meets New York City),
*visited the Pokemon store in Rockefeller Center (also the home of the TODAY show)
and then went to the nearest Barnes and Noble to sign our books.
She's smiling because she had just taken down a whole shelf of books as she tried to find a place to situate herself. The area around her looks organized now, but believe me, she caused a book avalanche two seconds earlier.