Sengoku attempts to help Kajimoto finish up his summer homework when an unexpected spy drops in. RATED NC-17 FOR WAKATO'S VULGARITY IN THE STACKS!
Sengoku: *in the library clicking his pencil trying ever so hard to keep himself entertained* *whispers* You know...this isn't so much me helping you as it is you putting me through torture.
Kajimoto: *working carefuly on some math problem* *doesn't look up* You were the one who volunteered to help.
Sengoku: Because you said you could use it. *balances pencil on his nose*
Wakato: *is hiding behind a bookshelf nearby*
Kajimoto: *scribbles down answers and tries not to glare at some balancing equation problem* You could have left after helping me with the initial problems.
Wakato: *shifts books around to peer through them and mutters* Why don't they TALK LOUDER.
Kajimoto: *his Waka senses SHOULD be tingling, but ALGEBRA!!! is impeding his super powers ;_;*
Sengoku: That wouldn't be nice of me now would it. *jerking around a bit with his arms out to keep pencil balanced* *jerks and turns head to look at the bookshelf*
Wakato: *ducks quickly when he sees Sengoku looking his way and knocks his head on the shelf* OW! *slaps hand over mouth*
Sengoku: *blink blink*
Kajimoto: *looks up from the mind-boggling problem* Did you say something?
Wakato: *creeps over to a different shelf*
Sengoku: *turns back to Kaji* Nope....
Sengoku: You doing ok with the numbers of doom?
Kajimoto: *frowns* I could have sworn-- Hm. *looks down at his paper again* A Z has somehow appeared on my page. I do not think it was there before.
Wakato: *has to creep by the librarian's desk* *is given an evil eye and cowers*
Sengoku: Oh? Here let me see. *scoots his chair in closer to Kaji and leans over*
Wakato: *curses as he sees this around another shelf* *slaps hand over mouth again and slinks down the aisle*
Kajimoto: *is completely oblivious to everything ever* This thing, right here. *jabs pencil at problem*
Sengoku: *thinks he hears something but thinks nothing of it* Oh, well you brought that over from the other half of the equation.
Wakato: *shifting books again but there are books on the OTHER side, this is a problem*
Kajimoto: *la la la la* Oh. *blinks* Why are there three variables now?
Wakato: *finally makes a proper hole* *peers through* *thinks this is rather dull now*
Sengoku: I think you may have added an extra step for no reason... *rests an arm around the back of his chair and slides his paper towards him to get a better look*
Wakato: *SEETHS*
Kajimoto: *is distressed by the lack of paper in front of him* *leans head closer to Sengoku's to get a careful look at said paper*
Wakato: *flails and knocks books off the shelf*
Sengoku: *turns to look at the bookshelf again*
Sengoku: Did you hear something?
Kajimoto: *turns to look as well and knocks head into Sengoku's*
Sengoku: *winces and holds forehead*
Wakato: *doesn't see this because he just ran into the librarian*
Kajimoto: Sorry. *rubs forehead* What was that?
Wakato: *is being drug towards the exit by his ear*
Sengoku: It's ok. *rubs his own forehead* I don't know. I thought I was just hearing things...
Kajimoto: No, I thought I was as well. *looks around library curiously* *hears a muffle at the front of the library* Er?
Wakato: *making rapid apologies and trying to escape the Evil Librarian who looks like she might be some kind of scary dominatrix with whips and chains hidden away to punish noisy kids ;_;*
Sengoku: Hmm...must be some noisy kid.
Kajimoto: He must have about as much tact as Wakato.
Wakato: *would be flailing if he weren't COPING WITH A SCARY LIBRARIAN*
Sengoku: *wants to laugh but doesn't, not wanting to be next* Right.... *turns back to Kaji's work* Here. let me see your pencil...
Wakato: *finally escapes and creeps back to a shelf to hide from the librarian AND spy*
Kajimoto: *turns attention back to ALGEBRA ;_;* *hands over pencil*
Sengoku: *starts erasing a few mistakes and gives it back* Try again from there and pay attention to the symbols...
Wakato: *re-makes a hole* *comes nose-to-nose with a fangirl*
Kajimoto: *refrains from grumbling and leans down over his work*
Sengoku: *keeps an eye on the bookshelf*
Sengoku: *wonders where the hell that giggling is coming from*
Wakato: *tries to hide but fails* *makes shushing noises* *groans at the starry eyes she's making*
Kajimoto: *is finally triumphant* Success is mine. *flings down pencil*
Wakato: *tries to flee before she can come to her senses and cry is his name*
Sengoku: *jumps and puts a finger to his mouth* Shhhh....do you want to get kicked out too
Kajimoto: *blinks and turns around* Where is that noise coming from?
Sengoku: *looks over his paper to make sure it's right* I have no idea...
Wakato: *skulking out of the aisle when she catches up to him and grabs his wrist*
Kajimoto: *lets Sengoku do his thing* *still looking around the library* You know. It almost feels as though we're being watched.
Wakato: *REALLY trying to get her to stop swooning BEFORE SHE SAYS HIS NAME* *prying at her fingers*
Sengoku: *is ass deep in algebra world* Librarians are scary beings...they can watch everyone at once.
Wakato: *has noticed this*
Sengoku: Or it could be Inui-kun...
Sengoku: *puts paper down* This looks good.
Kajimoto: *turns back to Sengoku with a look of relief on his face* It's completed, then?
Wakato: *finally fails* *cowers in the shelves as she cries WAKATO-SAN!*
Kajimoto: *his Wakato senses are tingling*
Sengoku: Yeah it's do---*jumps*
Kajimoto: *whirls around in the direction of The Noise*
Wakato: *flails and kickly shuts her up by landing a kiss on her* *KNOWS he's going to regret this*
Sengoku: C'mon... *pulls Kaji out of his chair and runs towards the shelves*
Kajimoto: *follows*
Sengoku: *Follows the pissed Librarian to the source of the noise and freezes* *Oh shit*
Wakato: *wants to die*
Wakato: *has GIRL COOTIES*
Librarian: YOUNG MAN!
Wakato: *aklhfjkshdashfa* UM. I'M SORRY? *hides behind the dazed fangirl*
Sengoku: *isn't fast enough to distract Kaji*
Kajimoto: *sees a certain HAT sticking out from behind the fangirl* ...........Wakato.
Wakato: *peers around her knees* Hi Kajimoto.
Librarian: I've already escorted you OUT of this library once today!
Wakato: But! I didn't DO ANYTHING! *cowers*
Sengoku: *stands around akwardly*
Wakato: *hisses at Kajimoto* save me?
Librarian: And now for me to catch you back in here and doing vulgar things with this young lady!
Kajimoto: *considers it for a moment* *then turns to librarian* Madame Librarian. ...I insist that you kick this delinquent out at once. For the good of the library.
Fangirl: *DAZED*
Sengoku: *turns to Kaji in shock*
Kajimoto: *innocent*
Wakato: *wants to die* I didn't do anything vulgar! I swear!
Librarian: And kissing this poor innocent girl like that isn't vulgar? She's going into shock!
Fangirl: *staring at all the pretty Wakato shapped stars on the ceiling* *swoons* Oh Wakato-sama....
Sengoku: *turns to Kajimoto* *tries to be comforting* ....well?
Wakato: *wants to die*
Kajimoto: *is staring at Waka*
Wakato: *is whimpering*
Librarian: What do you have to say for yourself, young man?!
Wakato: That....she. Uh. *really really really wants to die*
Kajimoto: *sighs* *turns to Librarian* He is really very sorry for his atrocious behavior and he will never do anything of the sort in such a prestigious insitution. In fact, he will never again set foot inside this hallowed hall with the intention of committing such vulgar and obscene displays of teenage hormones. *perfectly straight-faced*
Sengoku: *under his breath* ....oh man.
Wakato: *whimpers and skulks over behind Kajimoto instead* You didn't have to say it quite like that...I didn't MEAN to.
Kajimoto: *glares* Shall I hand you over, then?
Wakato: Um. Please don't? *hisses* she'sscary
Sengoku: *wants to speak on Wakato's behalf....but has nothing to say*
Wakato: It's not like I WANTED to! *flails*
Sengoku: *looks around at all the people staring*
Sengoku: Librarian: YOUNG LADY! *grabs her wrist*
Wakato: *stares* *really really regrets that decision* Kajimoto. Save me from her. PLEASE.
Kajimoto: *wants to facepalm* I cannot be held accountable for the actions for your fangirls, Wakato.
Sengoku: Wakato-kun, what were you doing here in the first place?
Wakato: Nothing? *shifts behind Kaji again*
Kajimoto: No, no. I'm interested in hearing this as well, Wakato. *moves next to Sengoku*
Wakato: You know I haven't finished my work yet! Who says I wasn't here under perfectly good reasons?!
Kajimoto: And thus you were lurking behind bookshelves? *unimpressed*
Wakato: I was looking for something for...for literature class!
Sengoku: If you were doing work then why did she have to escort you out?
Wakato: I um. Made too much noise? And knocked over a book.
Kajimoto: Well if that's all it was. *turns back to Sengoku* Shall we leave him to his studying, Sengoku?
Sengoku: *is clung to*
Kajimoto: *blinks*
Wakato: *makes big baleful eyes at Kaji* *is really terrified of that fangirl now*
Fangirl: W-Wakato-sama... *on the brink of tears* I thought we had something special????
Wakato: I. Er. Um. Don't cry! *doesn't know what to doooo*
Fangirl: B-But...But you....I.... *breaks down*
Kajimoto: *sighs* *has to clean up everything as usual* Miss Fangirl. If you calm yourself now, Wakato promises to take you on a date later.
Wakato: *jaw drops at Kaji*
Kajimoto: *is completely innocent*
Fangirl: *looks up* R- *sob* R- *sob* Really?
Sengoku: *looks at Kaji* Really?
Kajimoto: *nods at both* Really.
Wakato: Er, ah. *can't say no now* Of course? *glares at Kaji while trying to smile reassuringly at her and ends up with a somewhat disturbing grimace*
Sengoku: *scratches the back of his head not believing that the hell is going on*
Fangirl: Well you know, Kajimoto-sama *is suddenly right as rain* I have a friend....
Kajimoto: ........................................
Sengoku: *Is laughing....on the inside*
Wakato: *perks up* A double date? *thinks this could be alright*
Kajimoto: Ah. See. I would, however. *grabs Sengoku's arm* We are currently on a study date.
Sengoku: O.O
Wakato: *stares* *cannot even speak* I. Er. I think I might need to...leave now.
Sengoku: WE ARE?!
Wakato: *crushed*
Sengoku: *confused*
Kajimoto: *is not thinking of consequences* *CANNOT GO ON DATE WITH FANGIRL* Of course. We were studying. Together. See? I have a pencil and everything. *holds up pencil*
Wakato: *too crushed to notice how COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS Kaji is to dating and its nuances*
Sengoku: *somewhat smiling but confused and in shock....this poor bastard* Heh...You do have a pencil...
Wakato: *collapses on the floor*
Kajimoto: And paper-- *blinks* Are you all right, Wakato?
Wakato: *waves hand* Fine. Just go back to your. Er. Date. Thing.
Sengoku: We're kinda done though....Guess the date's over.
Kajimoto: It is. *holds up sheet of ALGEBRA* See?
Wakato: Well. That's good. I guess.
Fangirl: So you're free? *hopeful*
Librarian: *still holding onto her*
Onlookers: o.O ???
Kajimoto: He is.
Fangirl: I meant you
Kajimoto: ....................................
Sengoku: *feels bad about crossing his mental fingers...but only slightly*
Wakato: *stares up at Kaji from the floor*
Kajimoto: I-- Er. I'm quite. Busy. At the moment. We were-- Er. *is out of ideas* *SOMEONE SAVE HIM* *THAT MEANS YOU SENGOKU*
Fangirl: But you just said you finished!
Kajimoto: That was. Just. Math. There is still. Literary Analysis.
Sengoku: *sloutches with a very disappointed face on* ...there are?
Wakato: *has idea* You could help me with that! *never gives up*
Kajimoto: *elbows Sengoku to SHUT UP* Of course there is. Ah. Wakato? I was under the impression that you had completed all of your summer assignments. And were quite good at literary interpretation.
Sengoku: Omph...
Wakato: I have, er. A bit left to do? I'm here, aren't I? *glares* And doing it by myself is boring.
Kajimoto: But you wouldn't want to disappoint your dear fans. *motions at the fangirl*
Wakato: And I would be disappointing them if I failed?
Kajimoto: It wouldn't be anything new.
Kajimoto: *innocent*
Wakato: ....That wasn't very nice. *frowns* I don't FAIL.
Kajimoto: *still innocent*
Sengoku: Fangirl: You won't be alone Wakato-sama! You'll have me! *____*
Wakato: *stares* *looks back at Kajimoto* He's really good at it though!
Kajimoto: *blinks* Good at what?
Fangirl: Yes yes but, Wakato-sama....I want to study with you...
Wakato: Literary analysis, Kajimoto. *facepalms and attempts to ignore fangirl*
Kajimoto: Ah. Teaching helps enforce lessons, Wakato. Which means that, you should really help the poor girl and, in turn, you will be helping yourself as well. *grabs Wakato's hand and places it in the Fangirl's own*
Sengoku: *watches* Kajimoto...maybe we should go...
Kajimoto: *blinks* *oblivious*
Sengoku: *claps a hand on Kaji's shoulder* *speaks softly* Come on...let's go get your things.
Kajimoto: All right. *blinks* *starts backing away*
Wakato: *staring* *dumbfounded*
Sengoku: *stands there and waits for Kaji to walk out of his grasp* *let's his arm fall back to his side and turns back to Wakato* I guess... *sigh* I guess we'll see you later.
Kajimoto: *feels slightly guilty* *maybe* *sighs* Wakato, we could use your help.
Wakato: You could? *REALLY HOPEFUL*
Kajimoto: Perhaps. Sengoku? *turns to the other boy*
Sengoku: *shrugs* I'm really only the math guy...
Wakato: If you need my help I'm sure we could do something another time? *flashes a grin at the girl, whose name he can't even remember*
Fangirl: Oh Wakato-sama is so kind to help! Of course, of course! *swoons*
Kajimoto: *rolls eyes*
Wakato: *edges away from her and the librarian towards the door* Can we go....somewhere else? *eyes the librarian who hates him*
Librarian: *points at her eyes then at Wakato*
Kajimoto: *sighs* Sengoku? Did you have your heart set on being at library for the next few hours?
Sengoku: *raises an eyebrow* ....does anyone?
Wakato: No.
Kajimoto: Well. Glad that's settled. *heads back to table to gather materials*
Sengoku: *sighs and follows*
Wakato: *follows them BOTH and leaves the fangirl with the librarian*
Kajimoto: *gathers things and turns back to the two of them* I finished my literary analysis homework two weeks into summer.
Wakato: *grins* I thought you had. You like that stuff.
Kajimoto: *stoic*
Wakato: *used to it*
Sengoku: *folds hands behind his head* I finished a computer science project last night. I'm done.
Kajimoto: *almost smiles* So am I.
Sengoku: *almost calls him out on it*
Wakato: Fine. So I'm the lazy one. Can we go to the arcade later?
Kajimoto: *remembers horrific DDR incident* I do not play video games.
Sengoku: Yes you do...
Wakato: Just not well? *grins*
Kajimoto: *glares*
Sengoku: *fake glares back*
Wakato: We can teach you! Right, Sengoku?
Kajimoto: No. Absolutely not. *panics*
Wakato: It'll be fun! *throws an arm over his shoulder*
Sengoku: * >D * Yeah yeah...Absolutely...
Sengoku: *wraps an arm around his other side*
Kajimoto: *looking for an exit ;_;* I have work to do. I forgot-- *is trapped*
Sengoku: You're finished...remember?
Wakato: You can help me first. Then-- video games.
Kajimoto: *is doomed*
Sengoku: *Yup*
Wakato: *starts towards the door*
Sengoku: *pulls Kaji along*
Kajimoto: *is dragged*
Kajimoto: *as usual*
Wakato: *feels better already*
Librarian: *just wants them out of the library*
-- END --
Just so you all know...this was all their fault. >.>