This series is so frustrating. I approach each episode with such excitement and hope and invariably finish with a feeling of anger and disappointment. To say it is high time for a reveal is understating the fact like woah. It's a nonsense that nobody knows. It makes no sense. It puts everybody's lives in danger and it makes Merlin look weak and Arthur look stupid.
That line at the end from Gaius about Morgana not being Merlin's equal? That was a classic case of tell not show, because that fact is certainly not made explicit in the episodes themselves. Merlin being choked by Morgana? Really? The most powerful sorcerer alive not able to defend himself? In private? With nobody else looking? How are we meant to believe in Merlin's power when we don't see it?
Every single element of the show is being underused and sold short, not just Merlin himself. The knights have gone from individuals to background figures with no interaction with either their king or their friend Merlin. Gwen just hangs about doting and wearing nighties, Arthur consistently fails to learn from experience and his character suffers from serial schizophrenic writing, Morgana is a one note comic book baddie and each villain is merely 'disposable villain of the week'.
Even the sets and locations are the same over and over again with no attempt to disguise the fact at all.
And yet this is my favourite show, my fandom baby. But that is why I am so angry. I'm sitting helplessly watching it be mismanaged, its potential repeatedly crushed.
Who is writing Merlin's dialogue this series for example? It is repetative and awful and completely out of character. Colin is an amazing actor so give him something to work with for fuck's sake! Bradley knocked it out of the park this episode. Now give Colin the chance.
I realise this is an unfocussed rant but there is just so much I can't yet articulate about why I am so angry with it and so it just spills out in a random tirade of dissatisfaction.
Please, please give me my show back, you bastard, bastard producers.
In happier news, I had a lovely birthday yesterday and now have a new phone. Those out there with my old number, prepare to receive a new one forthwith!