So has anyone tried to find that 'feelin' cute/ lookin' cute' song outside of youtube? It's a bitch (And I want it, very badly)
I'd be sweet to play it on the radio station Em and I have at the school. Dude best part, were doing it as a podcast. Your parents could listen to us. Pretty scary! It's not up and running yet, but keep a lookout for something called M.O.R.K. (Out lovely student activity man Len came up with that~) It stands for Montserrat Online Radio. Em and I are gunna come up with our own name for our two hours every Saturday evening from 6-8. (Haven't come up with anything yet)
Actaually, I don't think I could play lookin' cute on the radio. He talks about fucking, in those words. (Can you do that on a podcast?)
If we were to broadcast from the school's station we couldn't even swear, there's this old lady who likes to waist her time by listening to our station to make sure we don't swear. Kinda freeeaaakkkyyyy
So anyways, school is good. I don't think my academics are going to ever get fun, which is upsetting. Last year English was something I look forward to going to. But with this new guy it's turning into a chore. Just disappointing. (History always sucked balls)
But oh my god, anatomy, painting, and illustration are the reasons why I like to think I live. These classes are so much fun, and I love each teacher. It's really too bad illustration is only once a week, it has to be my favorite. (Like, 6 hours isn't enough for me) I usually end up staying later because the teacher and some other students and I get into this long discussion about something crazy. (Last time it was the effect Wall E had and whatnot, this guys amazing) I feel bad for his wife and kids though, he makes fun of them in class a lot, ha ha. xD
Ech, I not sure how I feel about this, problem, I seem to be having.
My memory blanks out, it seems like a lot. And it happens in a way I get really freaked out. A few years ago while I was still living in Japan, I forgot that there was a grocery store in a place that I go to almost three times a week, and I had been living in Japan for three years already. I honestly for the life of me couldn't remember, and my brother kept trying to tell me there was one down there.
Just last night it happened again; I forgot one of my friends was in one of my classes. Now, I understand that in this case I'd be easy to forget something like that, and we've only been having classes for a couple weeks now, but that scary feeling came back.
I know that faulty memory runs through my Mom's side of the family in girls, but should it be happening so early? I'm only 20. Of course, I was attacked by celiac disease when I was what, 16? 17? I was told that was an early age to be suffering from that; celiac doesn't usually hit until your in your 30s or 40s.
It's just, uch. I don't know what to do. This problem doesn't seem to be affecting things like when I study for a test or anything, but I tend to forget things that should be in your long term memory. I'm thinking of after college I should check with a doctor or something, and see if there is something I could do. I'm really tired of forgetting things like this.
Dude test, I gotta go study for my art history one that's tomorrow~