Sep 29, 2004 23:01
The last dew days are kind of fuzzy. I haven't really done much but homework. I got a 73 on my anatomy lab test =| I dont know how i did on the lecture test or the poli sci test, but i got an 93 on my math test! woo! =) I'm not going to english tomorrow either. I'm so tired from this whole week, so i just turned in all my papers today.
So people who allegedly call themselves my "friends" haven't really been acting like friends. People just seem to talk more and more trash on each other day after day. I feel like i'm losing more and more friends everyday. it's really sad. This drama is retarded, and it's been going on for about 2 months now. We aren't in high school anymore people! So talk your sh*t about me and everyone else behind their back, whatever. I just know that i'm far more mature than you ever will be. Another thing that has been bothering me.. why is it someone can try and try to get someone (or a group of people) to hang out, but the person doing the inviting always gets blown off. Why doesn't this person get the same courtesy back? That's just rude. Blah!