Jun 04, 2004 03:08
"When I die, I would like to go peacefully, in my sleep, like my grandfather did. Not screaming and yelling like the passenger in his car."
what do you call three people that go to the earliest possible showing (12:01am) of a movie about wizards (harry potter 3) on a thursday night/friday morning? queefs!...or AO!, jeff and i. just couldn't wait, and it was worth it! we had to "drag" jeff from his house where he was sitting alone...at midnight...on the internet...it was difficult. he eventually gave in and ended up enjoying himself, which was apparent by the jig he did at the end of the show in honor of how much he truly <3s hp. oh, the joys. before the movie, AO! and i attempted to have a hp marathon, but underestimated time and only got through half of one. whoops. we knew our priorities and hit up the coffee place in arbor lakes before though. i would recommend-it was delish! and jackie is one of the manager people there too. go jackie! i spent some time this afternoon with my kiddles after they got back from school. it was awesome to see them, tele and their school-year nanny. i got excited for the summer after spending some quality time with them. a lot of the time i feel like another member of the family, so it makes it pretty darn easy to "work" ten hours a day with them. AO! and i picked up meg at her softball practice before getting coffee. one of the kids on her team was hitting on AO! it was quite cute. some of those kids are such flirts! maybe it had something to do with the scandalous skirt she was sporting. this morning/afternoon i worked at lnt, INSIDE ON THE FIRST BEAUTIFUL DAY OF THE SUMMER. i hate life. the time went pretty fast, so i was grateful for that. i got to leave early to see the chiropractor for my jaw problems, so cutting the day short MAY have had something to do with the quick day. tomorrow it's back at lnt for a fun night! at least i have nothing going during the day and can sleep for a bit.
i'm tired, harry potter was a long movie.
<3 you,
love bree