Allergy Complaints

Feb 17, 2009 12:22

How is that my spring allergies are kicking my ass much more then my winter ones did? Its usually the other way around especially with Mt. Cedar making me feel like I have the flu, which surprisingly only hit me like two times and even then it was mild compared to years past. Spring is usally milder for me but this time I'm watery eyed, snot dripping, light headed, sneezing every 3 minutes, want to curl up in a ball and sleep and cut my nose off. I'm irritated and lethargic and my eyes they burn and itch and my nose is raw from all the blowing of my nose, and this is only the beginning. YUCK.

On the upside, I thought I had lost a book but calling the library got everything sorted it out and they lost it not me so yay me. I wont have to be paying for any lost books and everything is a ok. Except for that 9 dollar fine that I should pay down so that way I wont reach the 10 dollar mark.

On another note I will probably be kicking myself next week for turning down Alex's offer to go to New York. I have no winter clothes so that was an issue, no sense in buying a completely new wardrobe for a weeks visit since summer here kicks in early like in march and I would have no use for such clothes. But still I could of hung out with Alex and Neline, but it's also the anniversary of my mom's death and I was sort of guilt tripped by my aunt about the fact that I would not be here for it.

Now I am off to finish some things before I can even think about lying down and succumbing to beautiful sleep. Its the only thing I can think of to alleviate most of my symptoms without being zoned out on pills.

complaints, irritated, sick, illness, allergies

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