November Wrap up ... or somewhat

Nov 22, 2008 02:58

This past week has been quite in the family and after the eventful first week of the month I am glad it was quiet and full of absolutely nothing except figuring out who was cooking for thanksgiving day and where and who was going to stop by where and eat what and of course if pictures were shared and or picked up and did I turn in those library books in on time.

Uneventful. Loved the quiet of it all. After all the first week was consumed by family drama and in one branch in particular like my Tia Nancy. Sam was busted smoking pot in her room with boys in there as well. Sad to say that my first reaction was to seriously stifle a laugh and think this girl has no idea on how to cover her ass or lie. I grew up in a very strict household and I still knew better then to smoke in the house or the vincity of where I would get caught. I understand the experimentation, hell I did it, but the stupidity of her actions. I was astounded. She is a smart girl, if you can let someone in why not just go out. Although to be perfectly honest I am glad she does not think like me, while I exercised caution and covered my ass I never really intended to do anything much more then try it out for what turned out to be the rest of my HS career, and then drop it. I had my fun and got over it. I also know others don't let it go as easily or pick up other vises along the way. In my case i like to drink and so i readily let go of the weed and took up with the bottle. Not an alcoholic but I can hold my own when need be.

So yeah. Tia Nancy. She was pissed and I see both points of view. I see why my aunt is so pissed. She went through a lot to have her life where it is and provide the life she is now providing for her daughters. She is far from perfect but I can see why she would object to her daughters actions. At the same time I see Sam's point of view, the all damning that every parent dreads 'you did it so why can't i'. I mean I could throw my mom's past in her face and my dad's and aunts and uncles, and i did. We the younger generation often did. But as we grew and matured and started to understand we no longer pushed as hard or threw it in their faces because like them we see the younger ones and know we dread that same response. I digress, I ramble. I just wanted to say I see both of their view points.

but lots of drama as I say, the disappointment, and then the violation of their home and the recriminations that followed. Its a convoluted story that i just don't want to get into right now. But yeah the quiet and calm loved it.

Although Thanksgiving might prove to be interesting because Veronica has well basically started shit with my two sisters in the past (ruby on Bobbby's wedding and Bren this month with a fight as well) and well .... as Bren says I am next which is dumb because I am just not that cool or as reactionary as they are. They tend to shoot first and ask questions later. I am more of a let me examine everything from every angle person albeit as quickly as possible. Its a conundrum only because we want all of us to spend the Holiday together, including our darling nephew my brother's son. I guess we wont know until the day of.

I know everything is vague not to explained but its what I can give. Now back to fringe ... I am behind 3 weeks so might as well catch up.
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