
Jul 04, 2008 15:37

We made into Orlando today and have finally checked into our hotel as well as unpacked for the week. I think we are about to go and hit up downtown Disney and do some shopping. Tomorrow we get up hella early in order to get to the parks hella early and spend all day there. I didn't sleep much on the drive down until about 3 in the morning when we pulled over at a rest stop so that our fearless drivers could catch some zzzz's. Actually I did not sleep until after we left the rest area and got going again. Me and Kimmy slept most of the morning away and by morning I mean between 5- 10 am. I need to change out of my pjs and put on some clothes so I can mingle with the masses. I cant wait till we hit the parks up. Tonight we plan which parks and which attractions, tomorrow we have fun.

Oh yeah and I added to states to the states that I have been to.
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