Look out Weekends Cuz ...

Apr 14, 2007 19:19

Here we come. Well Friday was a but tame for our standards but whatever tonight we are so making up for it. Yup another party at Roberts. ... I think they may be getting famous at West lol .... I was a little miffed Bri brought up the boy but whatever I got over that and speaking of which he called today and I was like who's this because I was outside looking at the kids playing simon says and everyone was calling about tonight and he was like me and I was like oh whats up we talked for a while. He is going out to the club and I am going to the party. We might hang out after wards if that is I come home which judging by the guest list and what is being drunk tonight is going to be a no, because I plan to be passed out at Robert's unless he wants to go over and hang out which he never will so hahahahahhahahahaha! YAY for Saturday night goodness.

peppermill, crazyness, the boy, going out, fun times, drinking, boyz, friends, roberts apt., vodkacrew, late nights, parties

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