From The Mouth of Babes

Mar 23, 2007 15:04

Most hilarious thing ever. I was watching Dane Cook's Vicious Circle or Cycle whatever, and it was towards the end where he was talking about one night stands and then he was talking about the girl who started to play with herself and he does an enactment of it. My nephew saw it and started to imitate Dane Cook, I was already laughing and after that it was all over. Man i was laughing so hard i started to cry, even John and Ruby were laughing and then they became parents and were like don't do that. LMAO I wish I had a video camera to capture that shit. Anyways tonight I cannot go out because somehow I got roped into baby sitting 7 kids while my sisters and my brother in law go out. Dear lord. I am going to die.

fun times, inappropiateness, family, funny, crazyness, children, babies

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