An Observation

Oct 21, 2006 00:57

Where one of us go, the others follow.
I tried to explain that to my sis Ruby.
If one of us is invited somewhere then we invite the rest of the crew. Its just the way it is. We are related by association. I cannot imagine not going out without Robert, Briane and Harold by my side. But then that is what friends are. They are there with you for just about every family function you need them to be at every club to see you get lost or fall and every party to laugh at you when you fall on your ass or pee in the parking lot or black out and remind you of every thing that was said and done. That is what friends are for. So to the Vodka Crew. Kisses. You Rock! And yes I am drunk! FUCK YOU ALL!

robert, drinking, friends, vodkacrew

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