Birthday Party Goodness

Jul 24, 2006 19:29

So on Saturday I spent the evening with the crew, we had a little shindig at Roberts Aprtment which included a tasty dinner. MMMMM good food. We had Fajitas, Rice, Beans, Tortillas, and soda. After dinner we moved on to the drinking yummy vodka and fruit punch. And a bit of rum and coke, We played circle death per usual and Harold kept messing up on his own kategories which proivided lots of laughs. We only played one game as in the second game we all got sidetracked by smoking, other people stopping by and conversing. Some of Robert and Kinah's friends showed up and they hung out for a while. We were constantly going in and out talking here, smoking on the balcony dancing in the living room, laughing ourselves silly. I even was told by one of the boys who came later on that my intelligence was not attractive. Perhaps he should not have tried to school me on the UN. He was saying some off the wall shit that even the most beginning Poly Sci student would know to be false, so I called him a dumb ignorant little fuck schooled him in foreign Policy then stumbled inside to make me another drink and dance with my friends in the living room. The cake was delicious, except when it was on my face. Thank you Robert for starting that particular cake fight, because we all know its not a birthday without a cake fight. But we had a lot of fun. My shirt was all frostinged out as was my hair. I believe I was the first to crash, picking up a blanket and pillow and passing out on Roberts bed. LOL I was to good to sleep on the floor. LOL. Oh and I missed work on Sunday. OOPS!
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