This Came Via Myspace to LJ so I posted it back on myspace then thought not everyone here has my space *COUGH*
First Thoughts:
0.Body: of water
1.Cigarette: mmmm nicotene
2. Sex: female
3. Relationships: not big on emotional entanglements but friendships rock
4. Your Last Ex: Matt
5. Power rangers: were the shiznets in middle school like way back in the day the first ones
6. Marijuana: used to be a good friend in high school
7. Crack: kills so pull up your pants
8. Food: buttery corn mixed in my mashed potatoes is fucking good
9. This President: sucks my hairy balls seriously you dont want to get me started on all his blunders. Like really what the fuck were people thinking to vote him into office for a second term? He was stumbling along his first term and his second one well royal fuck up. RUSS FEINGOLD FOR PRESIDENT 2008!!
10. War: Huh! what is it good for? absolutely nothing...
11. Cars: matchbox
12. Gas Prices: raping ppl
13. Halloween: FREE CANDY
14. Bon Jovi: who? lol just kidding SHOT THROUGH THE HEART
15. Religion: catholic all the way Im not going to hell lol
16. MySpace: whores
17. Worst Fear: the dark cant really see what you are fighthing there can you
18. Marriage: who knows but right no its a definite NO
19. Fashion: retail
20. Brunettes: Smart ass bizzatches yes I am talking about myself
21. Redheads: Richie
22: Work: night crew
23: Pass the time: neopets, hanging out with friends music
Where's 24???
25: One night
Stands: have their moments
26: Pet Peeve: peple who read over my shoulder,
customers who leave their fucking food all over the store not caring that they
leave full cups of red soda on a table of brand new white shirts those fucking
whores, when ppl do mark downs and put the damn clearance sticker on the barcode
I mean HELLO you work there too you know we need that SKU to scan so dont
computer or sign me off of my messengers without permission. SHIT! I think thats
it for now least ways
27: Pixie Stix: childhood memories
28: Vanilla Ice Cream: could use some fixings
29: Porta Potties: ewwwwwwww
30: High school: fun times but better left in the past
31: Pajamas: YES!
32. Wood:hee hee.. you said wood..hee hee
33. Surfers: california
34. Pictures: fun times a piece of history captured forever in silence
35. First Love: no comment