
Mar 01, 2006 10:43

Lent starts today. I go to mass at noon at St. Stephens. Its weird I havent been to that particular church in a very. very long time. Not since I was a kid. Mostly just been going to San Fernando. .... So this year I am going to give u p Soda I drank about ... well I drank a lot of soda yesterday. I had to get my caffine fix. So no more soda for me. Last year I gave up sweets, and man did I start to crave it. Guess I will have to rely on soda, scratch that I mean tea, water, and juice although mebe not tea so much because it just makes me pee. But yeah I'll haev my last soda becfore I go to mass get my ashes, and that is not fucking cheating so shut up, my lent dosent start till those ashes are on my damn head, then its off to work I go. Yeah work, whooohooo there is drama brewing there. But thats for another post, a locked one for sure. BUt my favorite line of yesterday was 'I'm not one to gossip but i hear that ....' ha!

church, lent, work

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