By the way christ was born in march or somethingq

Dec 25, 2005 08:09

So its Christmas. Merry CHristmas everyone. Hope its going good for those celebrating and those that arent into it well hope you are having a good day anyways.

Today I have been house jumping. Currently at Pattys. Ate lots of food. Whoa lots of food. Rice Beans, tamales and ofcourse chicken fajitas. So many people had ham. I envy their hamness. Alex's friend Mark sent me a bottle of Vodka for christmas which was very nice of him and Alex to think of me but i regret to say I only enjoyed a very little bit of it. Brenda that fucking ho bag, bitch from hell stole it from me the same night. Seriously went to the bathroom came back and the bottle was gone. How i know it was her well she knew Alex was at my gmas and Alex was passed out on the bed and how would she know that unless she was in the room that i had vacated for the bathroom for a mere two or three minutes. I was so mad. Still am come to think of it. And she wonders why I dont really particularly care for her right now. Well thats why. Cuz she is a bitch. Ok so its not the only reason why but fuck im just tired of her. I was quiet today about it all since its Christmas and my grandma can do without the stress ya know. But FUCK HER. She is steadily becomming persona no grata in my book. Grrrness to her.

Other then that its been a relaxing day for the most part. Just hanging out eating and taking it easy. Hanging out and making corny jokes which my family seems to excel in and just acting silly or getting fat of the food around the table is quite fun. I just like hanging out with my family, well most of them leastways.

I may be getting a cell phone. We'll see. Oh and next month we are moving, somewhere to the southside it looks like. So things at home are all up in the air and crazy. Melissa is psycho

New years is less then a week i get paid on weds, and it should be a decent check. And then it will be LIQUOR SHOPPING!! WOOT WOOT! The next check after this one should be much better considering overtime and I already picked up an extra ten hours this week, so it should all be well. NEW YEARS HURRY UP! I WANT TO GET SHRUNK!!

family, crazyness, san antonio, lessons learned, alex

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