May 11, 2007 07:01
Watching everyone I know, everyone my age, from Florida to California graduate in the last week... it's been a harsh reality that I will be in my fifth year of college and that I'm not done yet. It almost makes me want to cry... almost. I just want to be done with school. Eh- I'm just complaining because a little computer is the only thing I can complain to right now.
In other news, cramps = pain. And Boy = Confusing. (Does he like me or what is going on here??)
And I'm sort of tired of being at everyone's beck and call. When will someone be there for me and help me out without making me feel like shit about it? Hmmm...
Life is weird. And I'm tired. And I wish some prank caller would quit calling me at 5am asking if he can stick his d--- in my p----.