Three Words

Apr 25, 2010 18:40

Title: Three Words
Author Getty
Betas:OldHistory, Rambler and IgnobleBard
Pairing: Harry and Draco but not in the way you suspect.
Summary: Sometimes the one person who understands you most is the last person you would ever expect.
Rating: PG 13ish
Character Death
Feedback to or through this site
Disclaimer: Not mine and I would have much to say to JKR about who lived and died!!


Three Words


“Stand away from him Narcissa.”

“But why my Lord? He is but a boy.”

Voldemort leveled his wand, pointing it straight at Narcissa Malfoy's face. “I do not reward failure.”

Draco felt the shiver that passed through his mother. “We have been your most loyal followers. Is there no reward for that?”

Voldemort's eyes glittered darkly, reflecting the the burning carnage that lay all around them. “He is a weak willed brat; he fainted when I killed that useless Muggle Studies teacher and now he hides behind your robes."

She pleaded, “Would you do no less for a child of your own?”

“To have a child of my own means that I would have to share my power and I share nothing with no one.” A mirthless smile passed his lips, “You knew from the very beginning that I wanted immortality and that I would kill anyone who got in my way.”

Draco summoned the last of his strength and stood unsteadily, calling out over his mother's shoulder, “I am not afraid of you.”

“Those are brave words coming from a sniveling whelp who is shielded by his mother.”

Draco made to move but his mother grabbed hold with one hand, keeping him in place, safely behind herself where Voldemort could not reach him.

“You spared Lucius.” Another plea, but a part of her knew it was useless and she began to shake.

“Your husband failed me and your son has failed me, make no mistake Narcissa they will die.”

In one last desperate attempt to save her family Narcissa Malfoy launched herself at the dark Lord, “Avada Kedavra”. Two words and Draco Malfoy's life was ripped apart forever.

Malfoy's scream rose from the middle of his chest where his heart used to be. He dropped to the ground where his mother lay in a crumpled heap. He took her cooling hand in his own and just sat there unable to think, to move, to even cry.

Voldemort stepped over Narcissa's body and put the point of his wand beneath Draco's narrow chin, pushing it up until he and the frightened boy were eye to eye.

“Your mother tried to protect you but she did not have the power to do so. Neither does your father, who will die just as surely as your mother did. No one alive now possesses the power to stop me.” Voldemort almost sounded like a teacher gently chastising a beloved pupil and Malfoy shuddered at the realization of what his family had become under the tutelage of his Master. “

By wizarding law Draco was 17 and considered an adult now but he grabbed at Voldemort's robes like a child. “Ple...”. But the word was choked off as his throat was seized by invisible hands He fell on his side, clawing desperately at this neck, his fingernails gouging the skin leaving bloody wounds. The world in front of him became hazy, he would join his mother soon. Then with a flick of his wand Voldemort allowed him to breathe once more.

Voldemort studied Draco like a vulture looking at a tasty bit of road kill when Bellatrix Lestrange Apparated at his side. “My Lord you are urgently needed at Sinners Rock. There has been an uprising and those muggle loving troublemakers appear to be winning. We need your power Lord, they must not win.”

Painfully Voldemort gripped her by the arm, “are my followers so incompetent that they cannot deal with a few fools who try to resist me?”

“It is you who inspires us Lord.”

Voldemort turned his red eyes towards Draco. “Have no doubt boy I will be back and you will die the same painful death that your father will.” with a loud crack he and Bellatrix Disapparated.

Now Malfoy was alone with his mother's body. He crawled back to her side, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He put one hand to his neck where he had desperately clawed for survival and it came away bloody. But none of it matter he supposed, Voldemort would be back soon enough and then he would be dead. Draco wanted to run but he could not leave his mother's side. She had protected him and even in death he felt like he needed to protect her.

If time passed Draco could not tell. There was smoke and the smell of death all around him. Off to his right a dark shape materialized. Voldemort had returned and Draco closed his eyes, held his mothers lifeless hand in his own more tightly and waited.

But the curse did not come.

Draco summoned the last of his tattered courage, “What are you waiting for? Finally he looked up to see Harry standing over him, horror and pity in his eyes.

Loathing filled Draco when he saw who it was, the boy who had started this war, the boy who by surviving had gotten Draco's mother killed.

“Here to gloat are you Potter?”

Harry saw Narcissa and knew she was dead. On occasion since he had last scene Malfoy running away with Severus Snape after the death of Dumbledore, Harry had picked up visions of some of the things Draco had been forced to do at the Death Eaters bidding and a part of him had felt sickened that Malfoy could be used so callously.

Without a word Harry went over and stood behind Draco, placing one hand on the shoulder of the boy he had hated since their first meeting. Raising his wand he stood his ground, ready to protect his enemy.

A few moments later Ron and Hermione came into the clearing to find Harry standing guard over Draco.

Hermione reacted first, positioning herself so that now she and Harry stood back to back, “I'll watch this side.”

Ron had suffered greatly at Draco's hands and Harry held his breath for a moment. But there was no hesitation. Ron took up the defense on the other side of Narcissa's body. “No one is coming through on this side.”

George and Ginny appeared out of the battle. Their faces were grim and Harry could see where George had been crying. Ginny's eyes were red. Someone was dead but Harry could not bring himself to ask who at this moment. With a single nod from Harry they stationed themselves around Draco, facing outwards ready to do battle with any Death Eater that showed up.

Neville and Luna appeared out of the smoking remains and took the last two positions. Now the circle was complete; seven around one.

Seven, a number as magical in the wizarding world as it was in the muggle world.

Draco could still feel Harry standing behind him. He knew he was being protected by those he had unmercifully teased, bullied and tormented all through their Hogwarts years. While those he had called friends were nowhere to be found. Bitterness flooded through him and he snapped at Harry, “Get your filthy half-blood hand off of me.”

He had honestly hoped to provoke Potter into killing him but Harry's hand did not waver from his shoulder. Draco hated the strength he felt there and the comfort he grudgingly drew from those around him at this moment. He did not cry even had he wanted to, his mind felt a million miles away from his body. So he sat there, not moving, and barely breathing.

Harry's heart was wrung by Draco's pain. Beneath his hand he could feel the trembling of Malfoy's muscles. It had been easy to hate Draco when he thought the two of them had nothing in common, but now his anger seemed foolish. Harry had loved his mother and Draco had loved his. In this one thing they were alike.

Malfoy spoke three barely whispered words, “Don't leave me.”

And the boy he had hated more than anyone else replied with three of his own, “I'll protect you.”

Continue to Part 2
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