How I know Olie is NOT the cannon police and other random musings

Nov 11, 2006 13:39

Olie is not the cannon police I am postive about this because I have never know the cannon police to ever admit they might be wrong. I have also never known the cannon police to be nice to someone who might sometimes play a bit loose with the details. The cannon police also like to beat people over the head with the heavest copy of LoTR they can find, for daring to disagree with them also, lol.

I will say these past few days of getting back in touch with my characters are like getting back in touch with myself. I am afraid Mike might have a stroke if I don't finish Brotherhood, lol. Olie was right when she said the journey ends the same for all of us. But these words, the ones I write, the ones Mike sweats over, the ones that Olie hears in her dreams. These words are our legacy to a time we will never see. Years from now someone will happen upon our words and just as JRRT continues to inspire us, even after his death. So our words will inspire someone else to say "what if". Not a bad legacy for someone as myself who leaves no children behind. Chances are I may never meet Mike and Olie in person. Mike whom I love as much as life itself. He has always known what I want to say even when I cannot figure out how to say it. I love when Mike asks me if I have written anything and I can say "yes", he's as excited as any kid at Christmas and I always try to envision his face when he's opening up something to read that I have written. And Olie who has picked through my thoughts in these journal entries pointing out that my reasoning is sound and thereby chipping away at my large list of reasons why this story can't be finished and actually getting me to think maybe it can be done. Mike has always encouraged me it could be finished as well, but until I started sorting my thoughts out here I didn't think it was possible. I sort of worried that no one but Mike or Olie would read it even if I started writing again, but maybe that's ok, I don't need a lot of feedback, but feedback is still nice all the same. I am a member of a couple of groups and no one seems to even notice when I post a story, no one says anything and it makes me feel invisible. I think in some ways even attention by the cannon police would be ok, as it meant someone noticed.

I like to laugh and I love to tell stories. I see faraway places, Lords and Ladies, castles, talking dragons, heros and villians. Some, like the hobbit Frodo, get caught up in circumstances they never expected. Others, like Aragorn, can only find their true destiny after their resolve and mettle have been tested to the point of death and beyond. Then there is Boromir, out of all the characters that JRRT created he is my favorite. The other characters all seem perferct in some way I can't explain. Boromir however, he was human, he had flaws and in his flaws (or at least the way Sean Bean portrayed him on screen) his flaws made him real. Maybe I see my own flaws in him. We'd all like to think we had the resolve of Aragorn, the perfect aim of Legolas, the kindness of Frodo. Maybe it's not only important how we live but how we die as well that marks us as the kind of person we will be remembered as. Maybe it's ok to be human.

I have heard that many of the cannon police eschew the idea that elves have emotions. Or not perhaps that they have them but that they hide them under cooly unruffled exteriors and they NEVER EVER EVER show worry or fear. My elves both show AND have emotions. My Thranduil loves his sons, in each of them he sees something of the legacy he will leave behind should he either die or sail to Valinor. Although where Erim is concerned Thranduil has on more than one occasion thought of sending him on to Valinor now as Erim sometimes shows a marked lack of emotional maturity, Soren (stop giggling Olie, lol) wrestles with his own self doubt, how can he lead a people when after all these millenia he still has been unable to deal with the emotional scars left to him by Nathair (which means "snake" in Scottish)

OK, I've been worrying this last thing I am going to talk about in today's entry for a few days since I started looking thinking about Brotherhood again. I've also sat here, putting this off for as long as I could. Not yet ready to hit enter and save this, but not ready to type it out as well. I've watched music video's, surfed the web, checked to see who is online (several times) What if I changed this story from the beginning in that Legolas' rape was a known fact, at least to his family and the rangers who found him?

Now here is where the cannon police are screaming at the top of their lungs for everyone knows that raped elves fade. However and I need to go find this so I can quote some chapters and verse, it is ONLY bonded elves that fade when raped. Which is why Legolas did not die when he was so brutally violated. Hoever Legolas does not realize this for he too assumed that all raped elves faded, which is why he thinks he must have invited the attack upon himself. Which is a common thing that rape victims in real life feel "I must have done something to deserve this". Soren too is feeling this, but with him, it has caused him to question his sexuality and it's another reason why he has chosen to remain mateless. Is he really attracted to men? Otherwise why would Nathair have chosen to spend time with him? Was he leading him on? Many of these same questions Legolas will be asking himself. And Soren will come to be jealous of Legolas for Legolas will start to deal with these things, that Soren still cannot.

I am tired now, it's time to take my sleepy pill and consign myself into that lovely abyss of rest. Each new days brings new thoughts I am closer to my story, it will be told, only now I believe it as well.

Thank you Mike.

Thank you Olie.
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