(no subject)

Aug 27, 2007 12:38

OK its been a very long weekend, in a good way. well stick with the same ruitine tho:

football: friday night was the football game, first one of the season. we were playing pulaski at home. at halftime, they were up 34-0. at the end of the game, the score was 13-37 them. only key stats are lardinoise's 2 TDs and my INT. we had 5 guys throw their helmets thruout the game, and needless to say were gonna hafta do some major running today. practice is from 3.45-5.45, so i expect to get outa there around 6.30ish.

then saturday i did that referee thing for the flag football tourney. i did not get any revalations; meaning, i didnt decide that i want to be a ref when i grow up. that was a pain in the neck. the first half of the day was fun cus i was reffing non-competitive co-ed teams. they didnt bitch. then i hadta switch fields to competitive. they bitched CONSTANTLY. there were almost 3 fistfights between teams on my account haha. one time there was a whole bench-clearing shoving match going on. we took a 5 minute break for everyone to cool down after that, but i was laughing inside :P. all in all, i was there from around 7.45am till 7.12pm. long ass day. but i got paid big. 112. shoulda been more than that tho cus i reffed alota games, and like 4 playoffs too. but o well, 112 is fine for me lol.

so sunday i hung out with bo for a while, we watched the LLWS championship game (which went into extra innings so i didnt see the end cus i hadta be home by 5.30). then when i got home, ashley called around 6.15ish, and we decided to go bowling after i ate supper. which didnt happen till like 7. i picked her up at like 7.50ish and we bowled 7 games! most ive bowled ever. in the lane next to us, about halfway thru the 1st game, a retarded person came and started bowling. he started talking to us and stuff, and us being the cool people we are talked back to him. whenever we got strikes, hed high-five us. whenever he got them, wed cross-arm. it was funny. by the time we left, he was on game 12. he wasnt even bad either, his first game was like 112, and we were both like "dang" lol. anyway, after we left, we went to hardees to get something to eat. but it was too expensive there so we went next door to mcdonalds and got some food. after we finished we hung out there for a little bit. then we were driving home and on the way i was like "lets go to a park" cus i wanted to swing, and i have for a long time. so she said there was one by her house so we went there. it was fun cus there was this giant woodchip mound and she was climbing it. there was a hole in the middle tho, and halfway up im like "id poop my pants right now if someone just popped up from there. she got all scared and stuff and it was really funny. thing is, its true. i prolly woulda lol. so then she didnt wanna climb it so i did quick just to look and no one was there, but it did look like a nice bed lol. anyway, so we went back to the swings on the other side of the woodchip pile, and there was another woodchip pile, a smaller one, right in front of the swings. so i told her to jump into it. she wouldnt unless i did. i did. so she didnt want to but i said id stand in front of it just in case she fell. so she tried, and fell forward onto her knees. and i was standing. and it was slightly an awkward position to be in for a split second lol. anyway, then we went and played on the playground part, and i beat her in onea those big tic-tac-toe things. then we went to the blacktop and reminisced about blacktop games (state tag, kickball, etc.). she hated them. i was like how can you hate those games, i loved those. then i hop-scotched, but she didnt cus her shirt was cut too low lol. then we left there and she drove. we joy-rode for a little bit, went past ambers house (who is ashleys like best friend, but theyre fighting right now), and she honked the horn really long past there. then we drove a bit more, and saw another park. so i was liek "lets go to the park" as a joke kinda. so shes like you want to? and i said sure why not. so she parked and we were walking up, and she mentioned josh nelson (hung himself last year at home, no one really knew why, he was always fun-loving and whatnot) for some reason. we were still kinda by the car, and there was a tree between the car and the park itself, cus the park was set back a ways. well, i got an image of a person hanging from that tree. i didnt say anything cus it creeped me out, and i didnt wanna creep her out again after scaring her at the woodchip pile earlier. so i just let it go, and we were on the swings and stuff, talking about funerals and stuff. then we walked tot he playground part, and still talked about crap like that. then she lightheartedly said something about someone being crucified here as a joke. then that image of the guy in the tree hit me again and i told her about it this time. instantly she just bristled up and was like "ok were outta here" which was totally fine with me. creepy. my eyes are even watering now as im typing this (thats what happens when i get scared). in the car, i asked her if she wasnt good with horror movies either then. she said no shes fine with those, its just when she talks to a person online one night, then wakes up the next morning to him dead. that gets to her. which it would. but then she was talking about a mom of a good friend whom shes known for liek ever, who had breast cancer a while back and they thought she was cured. then ashley gets back from florida and was talking to her at work, and apparently the cancer had spread to her whole chest, and in her bones and everything. so she was saying she just didnt get why some people get all these bad things happen to them and we get to just sit here fine. i agree kinda, and ive actually thought that before. then, we pulled into the driveway, exchanged goodbyes, and i switched seats. i was gonna ask her out, that was the whole plan last night, but then we started talking about all that morbid stuff, and i was just thinking, terrible timing. so i didnt. then i called her around 10.45ish this morning to see if she wanted to go to gallaghers or something later tonight. she was shopping with her gramma tho, and said shed call or soemthing. if its a yes, im definitely asking her out. i dont care what were talking about. man i really like her, i just need a pair of balls...
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