(no subject)

Aug 22, 2007 16:39

practice today: eh. it was MUCH more fun than other practices, tho. our WR/DB coach seidel wasnt there today, so we had witteck as our indy coach. it was WAY fun cus we got to do drills that could actually HELP us rather than doing absolutely nothing but tire us out. also, seidels a douche bag and talks constantly, interrupting the flow of practice. witteck talked occasionally too, but he wouldnt stop the drill to talk. he continued on while he was talking. it was awesome. then we did a whole bunch of special teams: punt and punt return teams. im on neither, and im lovin' it that way. i hate those. its alot of running for no real reason anyway; in practice, anyway.

i need to sell those fundraiser cards, with or without bo. so im gonna call him up in about 20 minutes to see what hes doing, and if hes able to go selling. except for the fact that mom just said supper was at 6ish and i need to eat. i might call now, or maybe after supper. depends on how im feeling after this. also, if bo doesnt feel like going, or just cant, i might call ashley too. she seemed to be good luck the first go-around. who knows, maybe she would be once again.
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