Aug 19, 2007 10:35
you know the drill...
well, the scrimmage wasnt too bad. it wasnt great, but it wasnt horrible. i was running in plays with richie (like i figured) on offense, and started at safety on defense. i also played a little CB on defense as well, and did a decent job. i caught no balls on offense cus i was only thrown to about 4 times, and they were all out of my reach. i had about 2 solo tackles on defense, and on one of them i threw a kid. i was playing up on a receiver, cus thats what i do in cover 3, and he was running on a toss and i grabbed his jersey and held him up for a couple seconds, and then i just tossed him backward. when i was running back to the huddle a couple teammates were like "you shoulda held him up for another second, it woulda been a kill shot" but o well. also, on the very first play on defense, or a really early one anyway, we were in cover 2 so i was back deep, and there was a toss right, and i ran over pretty much parallel to where i was, and i collided with the runningback so hard that he flew 5 yards and dropped the ball. unfortunately it was out of bounce so o well. in the end, we unofficially won the scrimmage by 2 touchdowns (there wasnt an official score, some kids on our team just counted). thats a pretty good start :)
no new girl stuff, but its sunday so i might call up ashley to go bowling again, which weve done for the last 2 weeks in a row. or maybe just call and see if she wants to go to the park or something, idk whatever.
for some reason i really want to swing on swingsets. i dont really know why, but i just do.
its raining out :( so much for swinging on the swingsets, and defitly so much for going to the park with ashley. im about to go over to bos, prolly play NCAA 08. that should be fun
well, i didnt even call ashley. instead, me and the family went bowling, which was a good time. my first game, i got a 158 (record high score for me) but then fizzled. now charlotte is on my case, which she has every right to be, about me and her and me and ashley and all that whole deal. i still really like charlotte, but its just so goddang hard being with her. she fits perfectly in my life, but the distance and whatnot is just immense. i told her that id rather be with someone close, but that i still like her, and she took it as a "back seat." freakin A. whatever