It's always more fun to put off the essay then to actually write it, so I am going to go over my day. If you know of anyone who has ever wantd to join a Symphony Orchestra, please hit them, hard. It is the worst class you could ever sign up for. Mr. Moreno conducts as if he were constantly have siezures. It aggravates me so. But besides that class, Thursdays are normally my 2nd favorite day of the week, wednesdays being my favorite. I rly don't want to to go to tutor to night, because I'm just in this mood, where no matter how much I want to get the work done, I just can't sit down and do it. I hate these overly carefree moods. I think I am finally warming up to all the rain, its a nice change, and it'll get some snow up in the mountains. So anyhow, before I go to tutor I will leave you with this public service announcement.
I hope that worked