May 25, 2005 17:20
...dang could you imagine that? i was looking at the news and apparently this girl was pictured in the student council part of the yearbook and they didn't know her name so they put "black girl"! damn i would totally be pissed!
so one more day of school and we are out! whoop... but it sucks cuz on the last day of school we're gonna' take a benchmark for everyone class. freaking sisd shit! oh and i got a 96 on my history report, whoo hoo! so yeah i'm kinda hungry. for lunch i ate pizza, when i got home i ate two breads and two cheeses, and a pudding. lol. so my friend nelson invited me to this fashion show and a coach afterparty...don't know if i should go cuz i have nothing to wear. oh and today was the last day i saw sergio and danny and sandra. today the seniors were checking out and i saw them there. can you believe it? we're gonna be seniors next year! dang.. i never thought i'd be 18 or a senior so soon, when i was little i always thought it was gonna be forever! oh and i still have to find my physics and chemistry book and i still have to turn them in but i odn't know when. stupid book lady, she should just die... i mean no one would really notice..i mean have you seen her! she's a freaking whale, it wouldn't even be a surprise if she died of a heart attack.... oh shit i'm so mean. on and today in french we were watchingthe notebook, i lvoe that movie! it makes want to have a boyfried!
andrea and jacke we should definitly get together on saturday! any ideas/plans. ehh my fingers hurt. i wonder if it's possible to get artheritis at such a young age.