Feb 11, 2006 14:57
Well I started my classes, though I'm only in my first week really it feels nice to be getting on with my life now. I realized the other night that between working at Eastmoreland and now working at Scripps that I've been working a total of 7 years on this particular job. 7 fucking years for a job that is only supposed to get me through college. I figured that was too long a time, so it feels good to have started college again and getting on with it. My computer class isn't really that bad, it's all about Microsoft Word and how to use it's programs which I've been doing since I first touched a computer WAY back in the day. Physiology I can already tell is going to be a bear, in fact the teacher was up front about it saying it was going to be the class from Hell. It's going to require a lot of study time and so far I've been good about reading and rereading my book chapters once a night, I just hope I can hold to that sort of rigid schedule throughout the 16 weeks. I just keep reminding myself that I'm so close to getting done with my prerequisites. Once I finish Physiology and Computer, then I do 50 hours of shadowing a Rad Tech at a hospital, then I take a math assessment test to see if I'm high enough to sign up for the course yet (though I have a feeling I'll be having to fit in at least one or two math classes first) then I can sign up for the program. Of course the program itself is another 2-3 years of a waiting list, but at least I'd be at that point.
The cool thing I found the other day is a new Best Buy I didn't know was there before that's fairly close to my house. You have to understand, Best Buy is like my crack, if I don't go into that store at least once a week, I begin to shiver into withdrawals. 99% of the time I don't even buy anything, I just look at all the cool stuff I wanna buy. It's very cathardic I think. I'm gonna try to go today maybe to see what this Best Buy is like, there is another that's a little closer, but it's in a ghetto part of San Diego and the prices there are a bit higher than other Best Buys cause a lot of their merchandise gets stolen, so they jack up regular prices to make up for it (not kidding) and they have a shitty selection anyway, but this new Best Buy is in a fairly richer part of town, so I'm betting they'll have some cool stuff! I won't be buying anything really though, I just got my first paycheck from my new part time hours and I'm losing about what I thought I would, but I figure that as long as I'm careful, I can still make money on a monthly basis.
Well that's all for me, you're probably bored, so right now just close your eyes and picture myself in a Superman suit fighting it out a giant neo-conservative Christian for the fate of the world. See? That made it more exciting!
Badges?! We don't need no badges! We don't need no stinking badges!!
PS - No matter what Bush, Cheney, McClellan, Limbaugh, Hannity or O'Reilly say, wiretapping American citizens without a FISA warrant IS very illegal. Do not be fooled by talking heads that tell you that Bush is the president and that gives him the authority to do it, that's not true, he has to go to the FISA court and be issued a warrant for wiretapping and I might add that these warrants can be obtained up to 2 weeks after the initial wiretap to act retroactively, but no one has gotten any warrents of any kind. That's a crime that IS an impeachable offense. Remember that.