An evaluation of me based on memories

Mar 16, 2006 20:04

I was thinking about something that occured in English today and I started to remember a few odd (yet very typical for me) incidents that happened in that class this week. And each of those isolated incidents made realize something about myself.

1. Today: I am a geek. And I hang out with geeks. (Sorry you guys, no offense meant... I love you dearly, but we are all geeks.) Today's incident confirmed what I have been suspecting for years. It all came together for me when Mrs. Rourke was talking and I began to doodle on my worksheet. Besides the random numbers I had written all over the paper, for some unknown reason, I suddenly realized I had drawn about 5 different "golden snitches" on my paper without even fully realizing it. This startled me somewhat and my mind said, "Okay, Kerry, that's quite enough. You can stop now.", but before my hand could respond, the margins of the paper were declaring, "Harry Potter caught the golden snitch!" My reaction? "Gee, I hope that's the line. It would suck if I got it wrong." Upon realizing that I had gone further than I could ever have imagined, I leaned over to Kristin and pointed to it. When Kristin was barely affected by the sketches all on my paper I realized that yes, we are all geeks. Myself possibly in the forefront (I won't grab the honorary title and be all braggish about it, however). And to reaffirm this theory: I'm not sure a single one of us has not participated in some Harry Potter related activity. Onwards...

2. Yesterday: I have the mindset of a fourth-eighth grade boy depending on the topic. This lack of maturity and in-the-gutter-mindset was proven yesterday when Kendall was complaining about the psych survey we took in English.
Substitute: You didn't like it?
Kendall: No! It was long and hard!
(awkward pause)
Both of us: tee hee hee (giggle and repeat the phrase "long and hard" for a good minute)
Yes, Kendall, you too have the dirty mind of pre-teen boy. Be proud.

3. A few days ago: This one takes the cake. I'm a freak-->Nancy can vouch for this one. Explanation...
Mrs. Rourke: (something like...) If people do not refer to you with a name, I'm sorry guys, but it shows they do not value you as they should.
Class: (silent & listening)
My big mouth: (very sad) Oh... So you're saying my parents don't love me then?
Mrs. Rourke: (shocked, scared, and confused) What?!
Class: What?!
My mind: Oh no Kerry, it was a joke. Do they get that it was a joke? I better make it clear!
My big mouth: (very sad) ...I don't have a name at home. (start cracking up)
Class: Uhh... (a few awkward chuckles)
Mrs. Rourke: (laughs awkwardly, says something, I forget what, but regardless of what the words were, what she meant was...) You say so many creepy things and I never know how to take them.
So, I'm creepy and a freak. Lemme tell ya- that was awwwwkkkwarrrrd.

So, English class has done a lot for me in just one week. I have been better able to realize who I am as a person... A freakish and dirty-minded-in-an-immature-way geek.

Ah, I love me.
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