I wrote the first two about 2 years ago while at work one evening. I had been carrying around the slip of receipt paper with the poems on it in my wallet since then. Needless to say that the paper is getting pretty worn out these days. Truth be told the main reason I carried the poems in my wallet for long is that I had forgotten they where in there.
Your eyes a window
The saddest day of my life
Seeing no regret
A mirror of soul,
Reflections forever veiled
Storm Clouds Gathering
The third is one I wrote just a few weeks ago. It was late on night and I didn't want to disturb Sara be getting out of bed, so I just opened the note taking app on my iphone and typed it up there. As you would expect, I promplty forgot about it until today.
An object floats in space
Soon it will likely become the subject
But right now it lacks context or meaning
It is form with no metaphor or rhyme
The camera rotates around the object
I see it from more than one angle
Sometimes the camera turns inside the object
If it is big enough
Details are filled in almost always from large to small
Increasingly a finer touch is needed to add more
I stop adding detail, the form is still incomplete
I am not skilled enough to handle the smallest tools
The view pans around the subject again
Looking where it fits into a larger whole
Like wood cut with an axe it can be
Or uneven
But it is enough for now
through creation of something
Even if only of substance to me
I am made whole even if
a little uneven