Ok, After being tagged twice I gave in.
1) I was a c-section baby since every time my mother had a contraction my heart stopped beating.
2) I once calculated my body weight assuming 0% body fat, it was 180 lbs
3) Because of #2 I feel that the whole BMI thing is bubkis
4) I am a cat person
5) I got my first computer when I was 18, in 1999.
6) I have never owned a computer that ran quietly, and envy people who do.
7) I still use the keyboard from my first computer.
8) I still want to be a comic
9) I love playing games of all types, I think if I could make a career out of it I would win at life
10) It would be neat if I could figure out how not to sleep, wasting 1/3rd of my life to something like that seems silly to me.
11) My earliest memories are from living in Spain, when my brother and sister moved back to the US to live with their mother (I was watching Voltron while they packed the car).
12) If you lay out the pills I take in a day end to end, its usually 2 inches but sometimes grows to 4 inches. Note I *HATE* taking pills.
13) I cant draw
14) I used to be unable to sleep if I didn't read in bed, now its just something I like to do if I can.
15) I sometimes try to find the zipper on this supposed "body" of mine so I can step out of it and get on with existence.
16) I can cook pretty well.
17) I own a coffee maker I have never used. Its out of the box, on my counter, collecting dust.
18) I won that coffee machine for being a Star Wars geek.
19) I use Notepad more than any other word processing program.
20) I am scared of grasshoppers.
21) I would rather listen to a book-on-tape than the radio while driving.
22) Due to a child hood accident, there are two small patches of skin on my face that don't grow hair and have almost no feeling.
23) Speaking of childhood accidents, I fractured my skull twice between the ages of 4 and 6.
24) I think laughter is a unifying force in humanity.
25) I have at least one half-brother that I have never met and likely never will.