Dear Congress,
Please stop acting like ridiculous children. Oh, and stop praising the people that opposed the bill by calling a Congressman a racial slur.
PS: Whichever one of you called Rep. Stupak a "baby killer" needs to be censured for violating the basic rules of decorum.
Before I start I just have to say, Nancy Pelosi was as cute as a bug tonight in the post-vote press conference (read: Victory Lap).
I was feeling pretty down about the vote as I watched it pass, because I felt like it wasn't enough. I felt like congress was making things harder than they needed to be on the American people. I still feel like that, but I had a moment when I was watching President Obama speak when I realized that he was right.
This was NOT radical reform (despite what some might say). No, this was major reform. And that's a good thing. "This is what change looks like."
My father has some pretty substantial chronic pre-existing conditions, and no health insurance. He will regularly spend more than a thousand dollars a month on doctors visits and medications. With this bill, comes the hope that one day soon he won't have to. He can afford health insurance and he should be allowed to have it to help with the burden.
My mother did not support the bill, but when I told her a basically accepted plan for Universal reform (one of which being nationalizing insurance and rolling the cost into taxes), she said that would be fine with her. I think there are probably a lot of people like her that don't like the method that Congress chose to go about this.
I would LOVE a system like Great Britain or even Canada. I would have LOVED to have had the Public Option included. I would even prefer a plan for civilians to be able to buy into the low cost, regulated coverage that the American Military has.
I do not love the bill that was passed, but I do love that it was a step in the right direction. The bill moved America inches toward reform, but we are still MILES behind most of the rest of the developed world.
I would have MUCH preferred to see true Universal Healthcare passed, but I guess we'll take a win and live to fight another day.