Okay, didn't post last night. Sorry about that. Getting caught up!
Should be read as a companion piece to 'Collide'.
Title: Waking Moments
Pairing: John/Jo
Prompt: Dreams and Demons
Word Count: 100
The dreams will never stop. She's been sleeping with John long enough to know that. She feels it, wakes every damn time he gasps with a barely contained scream. She'll wait in still silence for him to pace the room, for the memories to fade enough for him to try and sleep again.
John knows that she wakes up, just as he always does when her past comes to haunt her. Jo knows he needs to face his demons and memories by himself, just as John knows that she likes to have him by her side when she faces hers.
Probably some more John/Jo coming out in the remaining entries, as well as Sam/Jo. Gonna try to write some Dean/Jo, too.