(no subject)

May 30, 2006 00:48

tagged by l_a_m_f

"once you are tagged you MUST write an entry about 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. in the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names."

one. when i was in the womb the doctor told me mom I was sucking my thumb. I sucked my thumb until I was 7, where they rudely put a bar in my mouth. Then I had a retainer. Then I had braces. And now I am back to a retainer that I lost 2 years ago, yet every time I go to the orthodontist he tells me to keep doing whatever i'm doing because my teeth look great. (he still thinks i wear my retainer) i am happy to report however that I am currently thumb sucking free.
two. I eat my foods based on color. i organize all the food on my plate into color groups and then eat the color groups starting from green to blue to purple to red to orange to yellow. i have a thing against white food, but i still eat it. i also hold my silverware weird. it looks like im shoveling food in my mouth. very improper.
three. i used to pretend i was training for a marathon so that i had a good reason to run long distances.
four. i have an unhealthy obsession with lifetime movie network
five. one week in january i literally did not get out of bed. didn't go to class. didn't see anyone except my obnoxious roommate who prob. thought i was insane. i might of been/be.
six. i am extremely prone to strep throat. i usually get it 5-6 times a year. i have strep throat right now. boo.

i tag:
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