Dec 27, 2010 02:02
- 00:59:41: It's late... I should go to bed... but I can't pull myself away from Tumblr...
- 15:05:58: Waiting at Dee's to have lunch with my friends.
- 15:09:23: As I wait, I think, "why am i here on time when I know everyone else is going to be at least 15+ minuets late..."
- 19:55:53: Just go home from lunch/dinner with friends. And now have an icicle foot after stepping in a GIANT puddle.
- 20:15:34: Watching the 60 second drills on the HBP Blu-Ray, makes me giggle. The actors try to explain their character's backstory in 60 seconds.
- 20:19:26: Tom: "If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?" Emma: "Nutella... on anything." ILU Emma! &hearts
- 20:23:17: OMG! This special feature is making my stomach hurt I'm laughing so much...
- 20:35:52: Okay Netflix, 'Movies Featuring a Strong Female Lead' should never feature Joan Rivers.... Jussayin
- 20:46:27: I just made this R/Hr banner for my LJ, but I think it needs text. Any suggestions?
- 20:56:38: what about something like "No longer a last resort"?
- 21:21:57: r/hr banner #2... thoughts? I think I like this one more. the gif is prettier
- 21:57:17: 4 of 5 stars to Let It Snow by John Green
- 22:40:44: All the typos I'm making is just proof that it's time for me to go to bed.
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