Dec 11, 2010 02:01
- 15:44:05: Just got my first card, from @ Whitleebee !! &hearts
- 15:48:35: It should be noted that @ Whitleebee 's christmas card totally makes up for the fact that I have an icicle foot right now.
- 15:56:15: What happens when all I do is scrunch my hair? This also shows why people think I should be Hermione for halloween
- 18:42:43: Nutella is the greatest thing ever invented. #fact
- 18:52:44: I really need to figure out why my cable won't turn on. I'm going to miss #smallville and #Sanctuary if I don't
- 19:41:01: Just voted for A Very Potter Sequel for Best Web Video #MashableAwards
- 20:04:00: YAY!!!!! #Smallville!!! &hearts
- 20:12:59: why hello there Michael Shanks! ILU, just so you know. #Smallville
- 20:14:03: also, Hawkman and Green Arrow are my new BroTP. #Smallville
- 20:34:42: I think I may be watching the episode of #Smallville through Michael Shanks colored glasses. Every time he comes on the screen I fangirl.
- 20:46:47: "I miss my typewriter!" "Really? You miss the telegraph!" #smallville
- 21:25:15: I really want Helen's jacket. #Sanctuary
- 21:56:52: Kate&Biggie scene = &hearts
- 22:02:31: Why yes I WILL watch the Christmas episode of #Warehouse13 for the 8th time.
- 22:29:04: Who gets to pick up her mom from the airport tomorrow? THIS GIRL!!!! #isveryexcited
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