Nov 30, 2010 02:01
- 06:59:27: *is really wishing she could go back to bed... it was nice and warm there*
- 17:54:51: All the lack of sleep I had this weekend is catching up with me this weekend. #mustnotfallasleep
- 18:08:25: As proven in my last tweet. I'm very tired.
- 20:25:00: I love Chuck, but I was really in the mood for HIMYM. Perhaps I'll watch TBBT. #lookinsideafangirlbrain
- 21:53:40: whether it's @ DarrenCriss or Train singing it. "Hey, Soul Sister" is one of the best songs to just get up and dance to.
- 22:02:04: Okay TV. First, you show a rerun of HIMYM, now you don't even have a new episode of Castle? You kind of suck today.
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