Jul 07, 2007 17:26
She drove us crazy! she constantly asked us: "when is my mommy getting me?" or "when am i gonna see my mommy?" we kept telling her that she's at work and she'll have you after the movie. over and over and over and over. she also constantly harassed our cats. our poor little koneko kept getting picked up around his stomach, or pushed down to make him lay down, or pushed away because he's just walking around, or being hit with the hard stick end of a string thing because he's chasing it and alanna doesn't want to be chased, or fingers in his ears, or his tail pulled. bernie was smart and hid far under our bed until she left. he's been around her before so he knows. when mike yelled at her to leave the cats alone, after telling her a hundred times, she layed on the bed and cried and howled. i poured her cereal for breakfast and then she didn't want it and said she was full. then all throughout ratatouille: "i'm hungry, i want popcorn" "we're not getting any popcorn, sit down and watch the movie" or "when i my mommy getting me?" "after the movie! sit down and watch the movie!" jesus christ! spoiled brat! we won't be taking her again for a while.