Aug 03, 2004 08:31
yeah so yesterday katie and i helped out at the regestration kinda boring after an hour...we saw people tho which was cool. and we hung out with tony, bree, kyndale, hannah..and a bunch of people for a sort period of time. oh my schedual is
2ed-p.e w/madison
3ed-pre alebra w/ tibodeaux
4th-l.a w/ scolnik
5th- AA w/ funckes
7th- soc studies w/ seybert
8th- science w/ mackenzie i went to the orthodotist..he hurt my teeth. and i get my braces off the day before never!! tommarow is gonna be soo fun i cant wait!! oh im getting tan! im soo happy lol. yeah well i ran out of things to say. so yeah