Jul 15, 2005 15:44

First off; iharthdarth and potterpuffs own me. I love them.

Secondly; the UK LOST promo? *is in love*

Thirdly; Yay Terry O'Quinn and omgwtf Billy Boyd?

in closing:


I will be unavailable from now until next Saturday. I am cutting myself off so that I may finish reading the previous books, avoid anymore spoilers, and bask in the HBP for a few days.

On a related note: I HATE YOU, SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!! One huge-ass spoiler and my whole HBP-experience has been crushed. CRUSHED, I TELL YOU! Which pisses me off, because I would like to wait until AFTER I've read the book to be disappointed and crushed. Not before! Gah, I was doing so good too. I'm such a spoiler-whore, but I'd cut myself off from HBP ones., Stefani sends one link and it's alll over. *flails* But, I'm in denial. Really, I swear. *slinks back into denial*

Anyway, farewell LJ and your spoilery ways until next Saturday! If it ain't HP, I'm not paying it any attention!! Unless...of're Ian Somerhalder. To that, I then say "HP who?"
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