Jan 08, 2007 23:03
There's this thing called the Enhancement Fund that's essentially a pot of extra money left over from whatever Uncle Bobby's given the HC this year, and which students can apply to take from. It's a good system. I asked Rick (useful thing that he is) when Enhancement proposals were due. "Oh, just get it to us sometime in January." Well, when would they be reviewed. "We don't know yet. Sometime in January."
Well, it's now Sometime in January, and I'm trying to get my proposal done before I return to college so that I can just get it signed and turn it in, no worries. I was doing well, too. I had a decent rough draft, and I just went back through it and polished it up to a nice shine. One more go-through just to make sure I hadn't fucked up somewhere, and it'd be good to go.
And then MS Word crashed, and took my files with it. Distressing, but usually it recovers whatever changes you've done. And anyway, there's still the previously saved copy.
Not so.
The entire file has vanished. Not just my new changes gone, but the file no longer exists on my flash drive. I ran a search of the computer -- nothing. I've looked everywhere. It never existed.
Say it with me: OMGWTFBBQ.
I'm going to kill this fucking computer. I'm going to make a citizen's arrest and have it executed for murder. This is not acceptable.
technical difficulties